Beautiful tribute, Enna, to life, to nature, to human nature, and to Jeanice Barcelo!

Makes me think of this fave song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRjQCvfcXn0

Life is for learning. We are Stardust. We are Golden.

We've Got to Get Ourselves Back to the Garden.

. . . . .

We are Stardust. Billion Year Old Carbon. We are Golden. Caught in the Devil's Bargain.

And We've Got to Get Ourselves Back to the Garden.

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Thanks for that link!

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Said Garden is right here in us, always was. Seen from that angle, it's amazing what lengths the 'overlords' have gone to, to make it barren and toxic both inside and outside of us...

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Yes. I'm 100% in agreement with you. I wrote my MA thesis (2010) on the lie and dangers of "ART" (Assisted Reproductive Therapies) and it's a horror show. Will consider the webinar but at very least will look up Barcelo.

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I adore the brilliant Jeanice and also you! I have just started reading your book Krivda. Right up my alley. Thank you!

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And your yum-yum approach to life is right up my alley... I'm sure you'll appreciate the full horror of our journey of Krivda that compels us back into our Humanity!

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Although I have no children I appreciate this post Enna. It's about time to go backt to simplicity and to be Human again with Human natural behavior. Reading this post made me think to a book I have read some years ago The Continuum Concept from Jean Liedloff. The impact on the nerves system and developmend whitin this theme you described deserves more awareness.

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Yep - it's through acute (or even not so acute) pain to the body that the imprint of fear takes root in the psyche. Beyond that, there is the whole communication between the nervous system and the subtle self... Our physicality is a mere 4% of who we are.

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Dear Enna, your reply was food for thought in regard the 4 %. Could you share with me what the 96 % is. Like water, soul, consciousness, higher self and so on. Appreciate it if you can share your insight. All goods, daniëlle.

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Excellent Danielle,

Hmmm - you ask a big question. Our 4% match the 4% of matter in the universe - all the rest is non-manifest. Your question has no answer in our present state of 'knowledge' that is material-based and has no better name for the larger 'other unknown stuff' than 'dark matter/energy' and the likes...

In genetics, our known and mapped DNA is mainly the part that codes for proteins, and it too is only 2 to 5% of our total 'DNA'. The latter should not, in my opinion, be called 'DNA'.

You mention water, soul, consciousness and all these good things. But of these... we only have a very foggy and abstract idea! Including about water, which is way more subtle than the thing we know as 'water'... It would be better to achieve a firmer sense of what those things are, beyond the present reductive scientific paradigm. However from my contemplative sense, I can venture that the 96% are many kinds of 'consciousness' unknown to us, and subtle 'entities' that are the precursors of water and such. And of course, our respective souls are a huge part of the 96% but mutually porous to all sorts of subtle 'energies' and 'consciousnesses' and 'entities'.

So, in my more mystical way I would refrain from treating the 96% as food for 'thought', for indeed our minds have been distorted and cannot do integral 'thinking', especially regarding what lies beyond the tangible - after all, our minds distort even the reality of what is tangible to us!

But for starters, we can experience how the 96% feels, right here, in our own individual subtle field, and feel how it communicates with our 4%. This requires a contemplative state (not 'meditation') that allows the unseen to come alive in our perception of reality. My book 'Broody Blue' introduces a simple practical way to allow this to happen.

May I gently suggest that 'higher self' is a hierarchical notion that distorts the sense of what really is the 'greater self' (below as much as above and sideways and non-spatially).

I hope this honest answer isn't too confusing - but as said, there is no linear answer to your question in the present paradigm of largely false, and very reductive, production of knowledge. I am discovering far more, and in a way that speaks to my human nature, in contemplative practice - which cannot be translated in the scientific paradigm nor even in the present understandings of 'spirituality'.

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Well Enna such a broard explanation and share in words is very interesting, thank you so much. I will re-read it because to be honest it isn't easy to understand with the mind.

Is it accurate to say that we Humans with a soul, awareness of nature and being one with it that we created in a very unique form, we have no clue, only through this so called reality it is so messed up.

But speaking for myself I feel insight me something what has knowledge and let me feel if something or someone is transparant or not......the signs are there but the mind many times overruled it. Just later you conect the dots but it's many times too late and a tough lesson is learned or not.

The last 3 years has shown me that I live in a world what is more or less real because of nature and all the educative information what is been realed in a very up-tempo. And the world what is so fake with people who think you are crazy and full schizophrenia, just today a colleque shared with me that he thought that I was in some matters reacting schizoprenic. It was about the fact I didn't want a Smartphone..........and was impressed by all the techno-gods as you would mention Enna.

Thank you for the explanation of the higher self.

Maybe this is material for a podcast Enna.

Again thank you so much and have a beautiful weekend.

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