deletedJun 13
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crescendo of energies indeed - dunno about you, it seems to be in full swing already, but yes it is only a (very large) platter of appetizers.

All we need to do is cultivate the real thing - oh yes. But 'they' have done a thorough job of drowning the real in folded layers of un-real. And in no place more efficiently than in our minds. So... yay, 'they' have turned 'the real' into a great discovery adventure for us. Yay.

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deletedJun 14
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Lexicon? Did I use anything unusual in the lexicography realm? Chuckle.

Disease yep. Whenever I get dis-eased and start to feel into it, I'm making a big big transgression against the programme. Hubby always asks - do you want to go to the doctor's - and he always knows the answer. Plus - since Krivda I've only had mystery diseases which I would hate to submit to a doctor's fixed nomenclature and 'she's crazy' gaze.

Dis-ease = holiday from the habitual + interesting study time + renewed respect for this bodily condensation of who-I-am.

And then, there's the great treat of recovering one's so-called healthy state and feeling soooo much better, with new appetite for life.

Win-win, don't you think?

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deletedJun 14
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It'll make you puke, dear. A word heavily invested by the christian dogma whereby bread and wine are deemed 'consubstantial' of the crucified lamb. Cannibalistic consubstantiality huh. And if I recall correctly it was also the father and the son who were 'consubstantial'.

In other words they twisted the consubstantiality of the subtle and the physically manifest into a crooked version.

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deletedJun 14
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Yikes. Am I allowed to disappoint?

again - chuckle, i'm happy for your oasis...

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Hebrew (Bible) translators Mark Archer relates that the word God actually translates as “luck, or fortune” learning of this, I’ve chosen to use the word Source or Creator.

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Oh wow. Interesting. Do you mean the word 'god' in English, or in Hebrew? And in the context of the Hebrew text (which became the 'Old Testament') not containing the word 'god'... Not to mention all sorts of other possibilities that researchers have been investigating. This whole thing is sickening.

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Ineffable works too

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Thank you, Enna. I am in complete accord with you — I cannot accept the materialist reductionism that wants to define Life as a collection of chemicals (acids, proteins, etc). I DO wish (with all my water) that more of the population would pay more attention to the debunking of the contagion mythology and lies.

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Let's be a tad optimistic - with the KVD affair, a huge number of humans began to look for answers, and found their way to the virology/contagion debunkers. Those people just aren't our next-door neighbors or workplace colleagues.

'with all my water' - brilliant! More to say about this some day...

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I am welcoming optimism! And healthy curiosity. We've had 6 or 7 generations of programming....

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