Jan 12Liked by enna

Thank you, Enna. I am chuckling because I, too, speak very few minutes a day to fellow humans, and most of my 'conversations' are with individuals of other species. I guess I am multi-lingual after all: Cat, Dog, Horse, Chicken, with a smattering of wild Raven and wild Turkey. I find these conversations to be wonderfully direct and meaning-full ;)

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You remind me of me, Enna! But I refer only to the cat and dog and chickens, etc. in your sphere of living. A cat in my lap (alternately, a dog's head/forequarters), chickens contributing background commentary as I talk on the phone or write at my desk.

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One more comment: I send immense gratitude to you, and to the subtle powers of connectivity that helped me to 'find' you. I shrink to use some of the over-used (and hijacked) English words, but 'resonant' must be applied to how I have received your perspectives. I leave it there, because I am without further words.

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I deeply appreciated your conversation with Beth Martens, that two-way mirror a beautiful and meaningful reflection. Thank you. Perfect ending on the polarity of the monumental task (book writing), and non-doing:) Please do another interview soon, the sound of your gorgeous voice, soothes my soul. Big Hug, francie

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… And, I just received Broody Blue in the mail and already sense the alignment there. Thank you for your deliberate diligence and deliverance!!

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whenever i get too technical or think some abstract something that captures my attention is worthwhile

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