I’ve been worried about my dad, his soul and transition from being murdered in the hospital going in COVID negative. Was captured, Isolated, starved, dehydrated, drugged, tied down, ring stolen. Unless it has happened to you it’s hard to believe but his transition is my concern, that’s what matters.

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Hi Enna, thank you for this incredible sharing, I felt completely, even though before I read your post, I have been driving, and while doing it, I have been questioning so many things, the negative thoughts they want to continue implant on us without our permission, the feeling of our live beyond this live, in the multidimensionality, having clear what we are and who we are right here and right now. I have been always talking directly to my mom, who passed out long time ago, but I can talk to her deeply, when I feel we need to talk, having said that, I feel that this post helps me to clearly start working on her and all my ancestors pain, for me and all of them, to free our cels memories from pain and reincarnation trap, this post, helped me to realize that I was not wrong within, instead, encouraging me to get deeper within my tree. We as a humans, need to let they know, that we have us enough of all these traps and pain, they have done to all of us, who are the most powerful beings all over around this universe, with our own respect and in harmony with everything, I feel it is time for us to step in and recover our serenity and remember our power in life, this got to stop right her and right now. Thank you for sharing. I’m sure, this information will help many humans to remember who we are. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I wish you peace beyond all understanding. Big hug to you Enna!

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Enna, thank you for your discourse on the souls passing and reincarnation.

I would start by saying that I have received Broody Blue and it arrived with an energy all of itself accompanying it. Must re-read the final Human section of Krivda before starting it.

My study of these matters comes through the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita and Platonism. We have the soul, and the body, and the connection between them, Plotinus called it the couplement. It is our character, or personality with which we encounter the world, and live move and have our being.

This brings me to Broody Blue (I snuck a peak at the two introductory chapters) and ‘non-doing’.

Eudaimonia, the good life. A life lived well, aspiring to truth and love. How to achieve this through non-doing.

I can’t tell you how much I am eager to begin Broody Blue. May I, as the being Lewis, non-do, and allow the soul to shine through.

Thank you Enna 🙏

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