It sure will be nice when people writing about and analyzing geopolitics learn once and for all that nuclear bombs are a complete hoax. Their writing will be more pleasant to read. As it stands, they are nuke propagandists.

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Sep 5Author

John, point well taken. But how can we be sure that nukes are a hoax? Whether real or not, they afforded us a few decades of 'MAD' restraint. On the other hand, if they're a hoax, it makes no sense for the USSR, completely exhausted by the war (to a point that the west can hardly imagine), yet intent on reconstructing as soon as it retook this or that portion of its occupied territories (not after the whole thing was ended, as in the rest of Europe), to have simultaneously put in the extra effort to develop its own nuke while the war was ongoing.

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I was thinking about this very topic yesterday. I also now believe that the object of project Manhattan was to create a faked "capability" to deploy what could be perceived as "Atom bombs" onto Japan. So yes perhaps a hoax in 1945.

But I'm not so sure the existence of nuclear weapons is still a hoax in 2024.

I'd like to get a better feel for this subject. If you could recommend a decent source of alternative info I'd be grateful. Cheers 🙏

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Sep 5Author

Dunno about a decent source of alternative info... Some serious insider whistleblowers is what I'm waiting for.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4

Very excited to read your coming book Enna. So, given the reality of Project Paperclip, is your statement about a rehearsal for what's going on now, literally true? Is it the same faction and their descendants perpetrating the atrocities both in WW2 and now? And do you think the current Russian leadership's allegiance is with their forefathers or with the anti-human agenda (of course, they are simultaneously being attacked by the 'west' yet are adopting all the digital ID/WEF nonsense themselves.) Greetings from the belly of the beast (UK).

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Sep 5Author

Bushtaxi, thank you.

My 'statement' about a rehearsal comes from a very thoroughly done (Russian) book that deciphers the key features of 3rd Reich concentration camps. Cumulatively, those features jumped out at me as being a condensed hard version of what we have been seeing in the past few years - all encapsulated in 'rule by insanity'. You can put Paperclip in the package, but the US and Britain were already pushing the 'eugenics' idea, and concentration camps were nothing new.

'The same faction' - more than one 'faction'. I'm not ready to go any further on this at the moment.

As for your last question - it's a mix. Way more complex than any analyst seems to be expressing.

Note - my article was centered on The People. That's what counts.

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Thank you. I wasn't so concerned with the specifics of whodunnit really, so much as getting a general picture and feel... I look forward to hearing more... may you continue to be inspired to get to the heart of things, as you always seem to do....

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Exhilarating! I look forward to the book.

Our fake hatred of "communism" was perfectly exposed in 2000, when we calmly resumed our endless war with all the same trappings, except that we were now opposing Russian "authoritarianism" instead of Russian "communism". The simple fact is that we hate Russia.

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Sep 5Author

Indeed, Polistra, but why do we hate Russia? That is the big question. And actually it's not the people of the world who hate Russia - they're only brainwashed, and many are questioning that hatred without knowing how to get out of the 'communism' fear. The hatred is in certain elites. Very very deep.

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I had wondered why my soul hungered. Your thoughts and ideas were missing. Thank you 🙏 for sharing this with us. So astute. Brilliant work. I can find no errors in this.

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Sep 5Author

Greetings, friend of the people!

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Really interesting Enna. I'm looking forward to reading you coming book.

Personally I find it difficult to read anything that remotely feels sympathetic to the soviet state. Not because I'm specifically anti-communist (which I am) but because I'm anti-state (which explains why I'm anti-communist). I don't recognise the authority of the "State" (any state) - regardless of political colouring.

I am very interested in the Russian culture and the historical influences on it as it manifests, and is perceived (or perhaps more importantly is depicted) today.

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Sep 5Author

Stuart, I understand your distaste for 'the state'. The experience of Russia is so totally different from that of western nations, so one has to distance oneself from one's opinions born of 'western democracy' (that is turning out to be less than that anyway). A strong state is what Russia always needed to protect itself against enemies and parasites from all sides. And in its Soviet form, it was (albeit imperfectly) a state of the people for the people. For most of its citizens a gruffly loving big mama kind of thing, again very hard for westerners to comprehend.

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