The notion that all animals came from humans is probably wrong in details, but the basic concept is unquestionably true. Life started out with ALL complexity available in the genome. Each type of animal picked up what it needed and gradually simplified. Language and human inventions and human castes run the same way. Each starts with ALL possible features and complexities, then simplifies over time. Simplifying runs faster when the language or invention is misused for warlike or imperialistic purposes.


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Jan 14Liked by enna

Gratitude to you, Enna. From an early age I sought to improve my word and language power -- in order to better communicate my thoughts and feelings and understand those of others. In my 66th year I realize that in conversation with my fellow-humans, I often have to digress into discoveries of word definition — how a word is commonly being used (promoted), and what it means to the speaker, as opposed to etymological definition. Ugh. I also used to be enchanted by the use of latin in scientific studies, particularly with regard taxonomy. Names and Labels. Ugh, again. Useful but also can signify a form of entrapment. A one-time friend and botanist and I used to make up Latin-sounding names for each other as a joke. I have always been attracted to (and industriously expressive with regard to) writing as a more precise form of communication. Prose and poetry. Alas. Writing requires reading/readership…and, again, comprehension. I do not regret any my efforts! And it has made me a more versatile consumer of the written word, which has delivered many 'gifts' to me. I find, however, that I comprehend more from listening. Personally, I am all for a new and improved language…and a heart-mind use of it. I find that some of the most useful word-sounds are ones like ugh, ahh, hah, eew, yum, eek, oh, mmm, etc. <3

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Living in Hawaii for many years, I came to resonate with the vibration of vowels powerfully chanted and spoken. The isms, ious, ions, itisis (inflammatory diseases) adding complexity, and at this point in time we seem to be running in both directions with techno complexity and mind-arrested simplicity. Currently reading Biglino’s ‘The Naked Bible’ and can also imagine animals with more sense (literally) than humans, fleeing to the trees not only for their fruits, but for protection from scary creatures, like Yahweh.

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This is so fabulous thank you both! I'm trying to reach Enna to have her on my show but don't see any contact info to reach her. Can someone please help? Thank you...with love, Amy

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